
Showing posts from 2019

🌞To Cate Blanchett — A DIRTY Hollywood Actress. From THE LORD GOD — MERRY CHRISTMAS!

To Cate Blanchett — A DIRTY Hollywood Actress. From THE LORD GOD —  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Messages From  THE LORD of The Earth,  The HEAVEN & The Universe THE SUPERWOMAN GOD Written & Channel by Professional Psychic Therapist Julia Christ Hollywood Deep Throat 🔥JUDGEMENT DAY is 🔥 FUCKING REAL. &  🌞NEW AGE HAS COME 🌞 Directly from HEAVEN. We're the HELPER of the Humans. The LAST LESSON from THE LORD  — your Mother GOD. I'm NOT Mother Maria, nor Jesus Christ The Redeemer. I'm The LORD of Goddess of this Universe  & Kingdom of The HEAVEN. I'm The Creator GODDESS of the Earth, the HEAVEN & this Beautiful Universe. I'm the Creator of  Some of you. I'm the Teacher, Protector & Guide for your SOULS. I'm the Sun 🌞, I'm the Sunshine. I'm the LAW, I'm the AUTHOR of  【THE HOLY BIBLE】In HEAVEN. And I'm HERE to U


Messages From  THE LORD of The Earth,  The HEAVEN & The Universe THE SUPERWOMAN GOD Written & Channel by REAL Writer & Professional Psychic Therapist Julia Christ Hollywood Deep Throat 🔥JUDGEMENT DAY is 🔥 FUCKING REAL. &  🌞NEW AGE HAS COME 🌞 From THE MOTHER LORD— To The Whole World : IT'S A WARNING, NOT A THREATENING ESPECIALLY  FOR SOME IDIOTS of MEN. In case you CANNOT Understand it very clearly Because OBVIOUSLY u CANNOT READ. If Anyone/ Organization/ Industry on the Planet Earth  Dares to CONTINUE SUPPORTING  or HELP Cate Criminal Blanchett  to continue having/ keeping her fucking LYING Career of DEFRAUDING, Or if u have READ OUR HOLY Blog & have Heard the Truth of Cate UGLY OLD DUMB Blanchett from the internet, BUT u Choose To CONTINUE SUPPORTING or HELP Cate Criminal Blanchett to continue having/ keeping her fucking LYING Career of DEFRAUDING, U Listen,

🔥To LOSERS who Cannot Read —Judgement Day is Fucking REAL

Messages From  THE LORD of The Earth,  The HEAVEN & The Universe THE SUPERWOMAN GOD Written & Channel by REAL Writer & Professional Psychic Therapist Julia Christ Hollywood Deep Throat 🔥JUDGEMENT DAY is 🔥 FUCKING REAL. &  🌞NEW AGE HAS COME 🌞 To the Man who Tries To STOP OUR HOLY BLOG behind our back, & some other LOSERS. TRY THE GOD, if u want. TRY THE LORD, if u want. TRY OUR HOLY Baby Channel  — Julia Christ, if u want. GO TO HELL with the Whore that u are SO eager to protect, & BURN 🔥 in the HELL with her, for ur SINS to BULLY ME, with Cate Blanchett. GOD is NOT ur person, But SATAN is. From  Jesus Christ & The MOTHER LORD of the HEAVEN WE ARE NOT ur parent, but SATAN Will BE. TRY The GOD, if u want. WE ARE Gonna SELL ur pathetic SOULS to the DEVILS, with Cate Blanchett. TRY US, if u want. The GODS know WHO U ARE. The G


🔥Messages From 🌞 GOD MOTHER LORD 🔥 — To Church & The Pope :   HOMOSEXUALITY IS NEVER A SIN Written & Channel by REAL Writer& Psychic Therapist Julia Christ Hollywood Deep Throat Kind Children of Human, We DON'T Encourage your young children to pursue the dream of becoming a Hollywood(Hollyshit) star, We DON'T, Unless your father or mother or relative is Very powerful & rich. Hollywood(Hollyshit) stars are Just a bunch of RICH high society SHITS who don't dare TO Come Out. The New Age has Come. If we wanna build a Better, Sustainable, LGBT & Environment friendly World of EQUALITY  for Our Younger Generation, We MUST Have to FIGHT & WORK together on our own, instead of relying on high society. Because most of the SHITS there are DEMONS;  they know nothing but shitting & eating, BUYING & WASTING, deceiving & defrauding, illegally reducing taxes, and making money by des