🔥To Cate Blanchett

Written & Channel by Professional Psychic Therapist Julia Christ Hollywood Deep Throat 🔥JUDGEMENT DAY is 🔥 FUCKING REAL. & 🌞NEW AGE HAS COME ! To Mrs. Cate Blanchett From Julia Christ This is my last message to u BITCH Cate Blanch. It was THE GODS who had introduced me to START the conversation through FUCKING Facebook with u. Here's my official 👋GOODBYE👋 in this life time To U — "👋GOODBYE👋, Mrs. Carol Aird. " "👋GOODBYE👋, 👋GOODBYE👋, 👋GOODBYE👋, 👋GOODBYE👋, 👋GOODBYE👋~~~~" "u ARE DOG 🐕, I told u SO! " I've DONE my lessons with u, which is — To DUMP U. AND TO SUE U BITCH Hollywood Rich OLD DIRTY actress. U ARE TRULY — AS DIRTY AS your UGLY Uncle Harvey Weinstein. When u were dating & talking with me on the internet through Facebook, Google Docs, & THE HOLY Angels, u had confessed to me like a CHILD that — u HA...