The Modern Freak Show of Cate Blanchett & Her Family— THE GOD'S PROLOGUE

THAT'S Cate Blanchett's Three Sons of BITCH!!

SEE?? ☝☝☝
One day, they'll be BALD,
and THAT DAY won't be Too Long.

Sons of BITCH will BURN 🔥 IN THE HELL, too!!"

The Angels.

they was taught & told that 
they Are the three missing Princes of England,
and their daddy is the King,
and she, Cate Blanchett, 
is called the Queen.

OH, LOOK how handson they are!!
OH, a fatty Prince & a bald King.
OH, Cate Blanchett, you LOOK so
IDIOT, as IDIOT as your FAKE families
in that SHIT film that NO BODY wants to buy."

The Angels Sing.


Cate Blanchett's three Sons are IDIOTS whose intelligence are LESS than a 3 years old. 
Actually, Cate Blanchett's husband is a mentally retarded adult who Don't have Any Ability to work, even to write. All of Cate Blanchett's Information & Stories of her Husband, Sons & Family are ALL FAKE STORIES.

Cate Blanchett has used her distant cousin— Andrew Upton to get married, to artificially have her three IDIOT sons as a Family of actors for Over 20 years. 

Because Cate Blanchett wanted to become a Hollywood star, and SHE IS a LESBIAN, so, she had took her DEAR UNCLE— Harvey Weinstein's advice, to legally Get Married, Get Pregnant artificially with her Idiot cousin Andrew Upton, 
who has been told as a Play Writer, Director at Australia.

OK, it's Time to STOP Cate Blanchett's career as a UGLY, FAKE, LESBIAN Hollywood rich but dumb actress who don't dare to Come Out, keeping Lying, Lying & lying with her Terribly Ugly  "husband & children"
 in front of Our Children's Eyes.

All of Cate Blanchett's three sons are Still sucking Cate Blanchett's OLD MILK, sleeping with her on bed, calling her mommy, or Cate, or Aunty.

The GOD has Disguised Cate Blanchett & Harvey Weinstein & the Uptons & Cate Blanchett's Three IDIOT Sons who don't know where their penis is.

Cate Blanchett's second fatty son is the most serious one who has the lowest intelligence among her three sons. So Cate Blanchett LOVES him the most, providing him every FOOD he wants, instead of BOOK. 

"What A Perfect, Successful Mother!!"
 The GOD.

Because of the Feeling of Guilty & Sins, Cate Blanchett has kept Put her 3 IDIOT sons & husband in fancy, but Ugly Suits, bringing them to every occasions which NO BODY would talk or ask those IDIOTS questions.

And let them to be photographed, so that to make them look like a normal person to treat, deceive, and defraud the film industry, the media & the audience.

If the IDIOTS DON'T OBEY Cate Blanchett's Orders, they'll get Punished, like a DOG.

"But the idiots, They Deserve IT, because they had chose to BE a SHIT doing Nothing but Shitting & Shitting in Cate Blanchett's Bushes of palace, instead of learning to be a workable human who has  some little Benefit to the world."

The GOD.

THEY ARE Deserved to be artificially born as three FREAK IDIOTS. The UGLY family TRULY is a modern freak show of IDIOTS.

"Come! Children, 
come to see, 

See the Circus of 
Cate Blanchett's UGLY Freak IDIOTS Family!!"

The Angels Sing.

"It's FREE; 
it's produced by the GOD, by the HEAVEN
For human children to learn ONE THING
—the Importance to be Honest.

BITCH & Harvey Weinstein, 
both of them SHOULD BE 
BURN 🔥 in the HELL!!"

The Angels Sing.

OH Sinners, Sinners!! 

Cate Blanchett, Harvey Weinstein & the Uptons, STOP MAKING SHIT Photos of your Ugly, Ugly & Ugly husband & sons,
they are Truly Horrible, Horrible, & Horrible to be looked & recorded.

Why DID U, Cate Blanchett, saying that Harvey Weinstein, has SEXUAL Harassment on u many many times? 

It's NOT Truth!!

Your uncle Harvey Weinstein NEVER touch u; on the contrary, he had Helped U A Lot.

Cate Blanchett, you truly ARE a person who knows Nothing of Thanksgiving,
An Ungrateful, fucking FAKE, High Society OLD BITCH.

Children of Human, 
this is the GOD, the LORD, 
the HEAVEN who is talking to you. 

HELP US the HEAVEN above the sky to DESTROY Cate Blanchett, Harvey Weinstein & Cate Blanchett' s FAKE play writer husband— Andrew Upton, and Cate Blanchett's 3 fucking IDIOTS STUPID USELESS mentally retarded sons who are very Good at Lying, just like their shameless mother, Cate Blanchett.

to DESTROY their Ugly Rich face.

DON'T throw the rocks on their Ugly Faces. 
HELP US SPREAD our words, informations, and articles. 
You will Get Reward from the Heaven & the GOD.


Do you know that Cate Blanchett put her husband & children in Armani to visit the refugees with her??

a Goodwill Ambassador, for the refugees,
She's JUST a BITCH who is very RICH,

Amen +


Please DON'T Learn our language, 
but Learn our Spirit. 

Let US, the GOD & the HEAVEN, show you
to Punch 👊👊 👊 & PUNISH
High Society People's UGLY OLD face
who has BULLIED YOU, 
or who has SEXUALLY Harassed you,
Cate BITCH LESBIAN Blanchett.

👑Written by

Creator, Writer & Director, 
Psychic Therapist

Julia Christ
The Hollywood Deep Throat

🌹Special Thanks to

👑Mrs. Virginia Woolf

👑Sir. Dante Alighieri

👑Sir. William Shakespeare

👑Sir. Oscar Wilde

🌞Produced & Published by
The Heaven Theatre Company+