BITCH DEVIL Cate Blanchett, The END
A Messages from the Heaven- DEVIL Cate Blanchett. Cate Blanchett is a DEVIL; Cate Blanchett's Upton families are IDIOTS. Cate Blanchett is a Criminal of Defrauding & Illegally reducing taxes. Cate Blanchett is the famous Harvey Weinstein's Niece; the Uptons are Also Harvey Weinstein's relatives. Cate Blanchett has learned all of the Dirty Things from her Uncle. Cate Blanchett has dated & slept with RX for 3 years. Recently, Cate Blanchett had turned down RX's proposal of marriage. CB cannot wait to tell me This, For GOD's Sake. Cate Blanchett is a Racist who has Racial Discrimination toward me, my family & my country. This is the ultimate Truth of the DEVIL Cate Blanchett —inside, a DEVIL; outside, a human. After I talked & cursed Cate Blanchett through the Angels, the next day she became like this in her interviews during the promotion of shit film- (Aug. 2019) "Yo...