The Scandals of Cate Blanchett—My Stories with Cate Blanchett 2


The Scandals of Cate Blanchett 2019-
A Star of Bully from Hollywood

My Stories with Cate Blanchett 2
July 2018

Cate Blanchett is a DEVIL.

“I'm doing this for myself, 
for my parents, 
for God, 
and for person who have been bullied by people from Hollywood, from the high society, and most of all, for person who have been bullied by Cate Blanchett and Harvey Weinstein. 

All of what Cate Blanchett has  done to me are extremely unacceptable, unforgivable, and,
It Is Crimes."

"Good behavior is required."

I'm a  professional psychic therapist who just has started my own business through internet. It is me who had started this relationship through Cate Blanchett’s FB on 2017. And I finally officially dumped her on May 2018.

Before the final end, I had dumped her like a hundred million of times.

But this time, I'm going to not only dump Cate Blanchett, but also send her to the jail.

After just few days we knew each other, Cate Blanchett asked me to provide my own personal bank account, so that she can transfer money to me to deal with things. 

At first, I said “No” to her, because money is not the reason why I decided to start this relationship. Besides, we just knew each other. I don't want to accept her money by this way, so I refused her request for my bank account immediately.

The funny thing is, she kept asking me for my bank account. I still remember she said that “it's not a big deal. I can rely on her.”

So I gave it to her. After few minutes, Cate Blanchett said to me “it's all done. I've transferred some money to you.”

But after 4 days, my bank still didn't receive the money. I felt Cate Blanchett didn't transfer money to me, but she said she did. 
“I swear to God that I have transferred the money to you. It is your bank that has problems.”
Cate Blanchett said.

She even had blamed my bank for this. 
In the end, Cate Blanchett said 
“So I must have to fly to meet you.”

She had lied to me about giving me money for her, to earn my trust, so that she will have a very great excuse to meet me, and finally, to have sex with me, and then to leave.

But she had failed to do so. 
That's why she has refused to pay her own bills, because had fallen to sleep with me.

“You Listen! If you wanna get my money, first, we must have to meet, or we must have to sleep together for some times, that's the prove that we really have “relationship, and that's how I deal with things” “ 
Cate Blanchett had said that to me many many times when I tried to ask her to pay her own bills.

What a fucking witch and a typical high society star! My eyes had been blinded by the fake truth that Cate Blanchett has built through the media- 
about how wonderful, successful, perfect person she is.

That is totally Not True.

In fact, according to my own personal experience, Cate Blanchett is a Bully from the high society, from Hollywood, just like that man- Harvey Weinstein.

I was Soooooo Stupid to start this fucking relationship. But fortunately, God has spoken to me that
“You're gonna be alright! Just do the Right thing to correct the Wrong thing, and the Evil will show herself and be destroyed by the Sun. Law is holy, Justice is necessary, so does to your Compensation. It is GOD who has decided this, it is GOD who will make the Punishment and give you the Justice. Like what GOD has done on Harvey Weinstein, and it's Just the beginning. ”

Yes, I'm a very professional psychic therapist. I can deliver messages from God, Archangels, your guardian angels, natural being like plants, flowers, animals,  your human soul (your higher self or subconscious), your ancestors, and of course, from the dead person.

I'm a younger version of Doreen Virtue.
That's why Cate Blanchett had used my power, magic & wisdom to ask many many things , and she had asked me for therapy by defrauding for about 6~ 7 months.

Thing is your debt and bills.

Psychic Therapist
Hollywood Deep Throat

#Cate Blanchett gay

