The Scandals of Cate Blanchett—My Stories with Cate Blanchett 3

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The Scandals of Cate Blanchett 2019-
A Star of Bully from Hollywood 

My Stories with Cate Blanchett 3
July 2018

“If you've been mistreated, or bullied by people from the high society, or by someone who is rich, powerful and with authorities in the society for a long time, please stand up and FIGHT back in a proper way. 

You're not alone because the GOD Group will always be there to help you to get Justice, and to Punish. 

We're not living in the middle ages when everything is all  controlled by the King, the Queen, and the high society. “

Cate Blanchett had let me wait her at airport for 16 hours on 2017.

But she didn't show up in the end because we got some fight. However, she said that she was in the hotel already, asking me to forgive her, and begging me to visit her on the next day.

In the end, it's just another waiting for over 10 hours.
I didn't meet Cate Blanchett or receive her money from the very beginning, to the end.

We had dated on the internet for 6, 7 months. 
Cate Blanchett had defraud me for many many many things. One of them is my psychic therapy and services, which totally are worth 
5 million dollars. 

Cate Blanchett not only had refused to pay her own debt  and bills, but also had called me and my parents "beggars."

This is the Truth of Cate Blanchett. 
This is the Truth of Hollywood star.
This is the Truth of the UNHCR ambassador.
Cate Blanchett knows nothing about Humanity, but she knows very well about how to lie and pretend to be a decent humanitarian.

Cate Blanchett does have made some donations, but she also does have made lots of and lots of activities to reduce her tax. 
She also does have defrauded me for my psychic services.

“How would I know if your psychic power is  workable or not, if I don't try it for free first?”

Cate Blanchett never had asked my permission of free services before she “ had tried” my psychic services for almost 6~7 months.

Because we were in a relationship, she called me as “babe, sweetheart, girlfriend, fiancee….whatever”, first, I do agree to Help her, but I never say that “it's for free.”

After I found out that she had lied to me for many things, I dumped her for the first time.
I had made very CLEAR that you're gonna have to pay, Cate Blanchett said “Ok, ok I will pay. But before I pay, would you please still help me? 
I promise you I will pay you a lot.”

Now it's been almost 9 months, I got nothing from Cate Blanchett, meanwhile, she had made lots of donations and fundraising during the time we were still being together. 

Everytime I asked her to pay her bills, she always said that “it's impossible for me to transfer money through my own personal bank account, because I'm a Very famous celebrity. I asked you for your bank account is just a way to earn your trust. I had lied to you about giving you money. If you wanna get money from me, we must have to have sexual relationship first.”

Ok, I get it! So….
Cate Blanchett has been slept with Every Person who sells her products, or the owners of the restaurant that she has lunch in, before she pay them her bills.

What kind of logic is that?
What kind of education makes her behavior like this?
I really don't think Cate Blanchett is a good example for children or our younger generation.

Cate Blanchett was born very rich; she is the third generation of high society, exactly like Harvey Weinstein.
Cate Blanchett had claimed to me  that she has a very deep relationship with some royal family.

I feel very SORRY for Cate Blanchett’s parents.
 I believe they didn't mean to educate her behaving like this, it is the environment of Hollywood that makes her behaving like this.

According to my own personal experience, Cate Blanchett is a Very Very Sick 49 years old person who has  very serious problems to be responsible for her own bad behaviors.

Just Exactly Like Harvey Weinstein.
 The two are very familiar with each other; they are very close.  If you're a really smart reporter, you should think about this!

As  a professional psychic therapist, I really don't encourage young people, especially those who are not have deep relationships with the authorities in Hollywood. 
I really don't encourage you to pursue a “Hollywood star dream”, because you maybe, very possibly would get bully by people like 
Cate Blanchett and Harvey Weinstein.

This is my very own personal experiences.
This is my stories with Cate Blanchett.
GOD and I are gonna make you pay and get our justice.

I promise you.

Hollywood Deep Throat

#Cate Blanchett gay

