Messages from The Lord, GOD — BOYCOTT Cate Blanchett 1

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●Messages from The Lord- GOD
  — BOYCOTT Cate Blanchett 1

To Cate Blanchett,

In God's eyes, You ARE a CRIMINAL, exactly like your Good Buddy, Dear Pal, your biological Uncle — the notorious Harvey Weinstein.

You've learned so many many things from this horrible, crazy rich Hollywood guy, including reducing tax illegally. 

He is your uncle, teacher and dear mentor. That's why you are so afraid of transferring money overseas.

You're Not as noble, kind and wise as Jean Valjean, so the GOD is Not gonna give you another second chance.

Our HOLY Psychic Channel, the Hollywood Deep Throat, is our dear little daughter, the Princess from the Heaven. 

And you , 
Cate Liar Blanchett, you have defrauded my Own little daughter, which means, you have defrauded the whole Heaven. 

Cate Liar Blanchett, you're Not a star But a Bitch.

Jesus is the permanent star of Bethlehem.  
And you , Cate Liar Blanchett, you have defrauded my Own little daughter【by using Jesus Christ the Redeemer's Holy Name 】, so, I , Jesus Christ WILL Make YOU CRY, begging for forgiveness from the Heaven.

Under the name of the Lord, the father of Jesus, the GOD WILL Make YOU PAY.

We Promise You.

Hollywood star is Not a star, but is a money machine and a monkey that has been used, controlled and played  by your Uncle the Ugly Harvey Weinstein for so so so many years.

You're just a monkey 🐵 who has been used & controlled by the Ugly Uptons.

That's why, you, Cate Liar Blanchett, it is You and your Upton family relatives, we mean your biological uncles & aunty whose name are Upton, you guys are relatives of Harvey Weinstein.

And That's why, you, Cate Liar Blanchett, can walk on the red carpet of Hollywood for so many years

That's why, you, Cate Liar Blanchett, it is You yourself and your Upton uncles and aunties who had decided to arrange you to marry to your own biological distant cousin as husband.

Because you, Cate Liar Blanchett, are born as a Lesbian, that's why You got pregnant artificially with your three sons with your cousin husband's sperm. 

You, Cate Liar Blanchett Upton, are full of Sins, Crimes and lies. You're Not a normal person. Uptons are your biological relatives, and Harvey Weinstein to you, are also  a powerful relative to both you and the Uptons.

You, Cate Liar Blanchett Upton, maybe your FAKE marriage is Real to the court, but it is a serious Crime to the Lord. TAKE OFF your fake wedding rings; you have purchased like 100,000,000 wedding rings, but none of them is real.

Under the name of Jesus, I WILL punish YOU & 
the Uptons by my own hands; and the Lord and the Kingdom of Heaven will abandon you the Uptons.

You, Cate Liar Upton, how can a FAKE marriage 
adopt children? How can two people, you & your legal husband, both of you have serious psycho mental diseases which were diagnosed by doctors. So please tell the Lord, WHY DO people like you guys could be allowed to adopt children?

You, Cate Liar Upton, you had gotten Divorced Right After you "adopted" the child, what kind of adoption is this? 

You Did the adoption for your cousins; this child has still not legally became your daughter yet, what kind of adoption is this? 

You're a long-term Patient of Schizophrenia; your cousin husband, your dear soul mate, are a mentally retarded adult, so please tell the Lord, how can you two raise children together?

So, it is you two's relatives doing the whole raising jobs.
Mostly, the parents are their grandparents; you two's job is just simply to pretend that you're a heterosexual couple with 4 children in front of the cameras & medias.

So, You, Cate Liar Upton, ARE TOTALLY NOT a perfect mother, or a parent, you're simply a horrible Hollywood bitch who has created & used the image of a long-term married heterosexual woman with a family to Earn money and to play, deceive & defraud the whole world.

You, Cate Liar Upton, has defrauded not only our little daughter, but also the whole world, the LGBT community, the audiences, and the whole society, and the Lord.

The Lord of the Heaven encourages people to BOYCOTT Cate Blanchett 
until her death.

🌞This woman is a Pure LESBIAN, which is Absolutely NOT a Sin; however, defrauding your audience and fans and the government, are totally serious sins and crimes.

During you were running the Sydney Theater Company with your mental challenged soul mate husband, you had dated an female employee for years, but she eventually broke up with you. 

STC was your Upton family's property, so you guys could kept this as a secret.

Your 3 biological sons are totally "tragedy" because 3 of them all have inherited you and your cousin husband's mental diseases. 

Your 3 sons are mentally retarded children, that's why you & the Uptons had decided to adopt a new one, to let her become a star to make money.

If you do really so care about the refugees, why didn't you just adopt one? Because you don't really care; you made donations only for the tax reduction, and the images of a good mother.

You're a Very Horrible mother, GOD knows it.
GOD DOES EXIST, you bloody Idiot.
The Uptons is using you, like using a bank, you deserve it.
You're a criminal, not a star, or a princess, 
for God's sake,

Cate Liar Upton.

Directly from the GOD 
Channel by Hollywood Deep Throat

Lady of Justice is the Lord,
Messenger from the Heaven is HDT.

#Cate Blanchett gay

